
Station d'épuration des eaux usées à NègrepelisseReed cutting in constructed wetland plants

Reed cutting in the treatment plants of Negrepelisse (4000PE) and of Saint Etienne-de-Tulmont (1900 PE).
The reed cutting in constructed wetland plants consists in cutting the faded reeds at 30/40 cm from the ground and in taking them out of the filters. This avoids the accumulation of reeds and also reduces the mud’s thickness on the filters’ surface.

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The Nègrepelisse WTP width=The Nègrepelisse WTP-The facts

The wastewater plant treats Nègrepelisse town’s wastewaters before discharging into the Montrosies, an Aveyron’s affluent. The plant’s presentation with some figures.


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Graphiques d'analyse de l'eau en sortie de la step EUThe Nègrepelisse WTP - The performances

The Nègrepelisse WTP respects the outlet quality imposed on the BOD, COD and SS parameters. With the ponds in the treatment steps, the TKN and Pt contents are under the usual stocks.

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Station St Etienne de Tulmont - vue aérienneSt-Etienne-de-Tulmont’s wastewater treatment plant

The St-Etienne’s WTP treats the town’s wastewaters before discharging into the Tauge, an Aveyron’s affluent.

The plant’s presentation with some figures

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Carte géographique de Nègrepelisse et de l'implantation de la STEP MV82The MV82 plant (STP)-The facts

The septage treatment plant MV82 will treat, when it will open at the beginning of 2012, the septage sludges produced by the on-site sanitation in the north-east of the Tarn-et Garonne. The plant’s presentation with some figures.

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Station de matières de vidange en constructionThe MV82 plant (STP) - The performances

The septage treatment plant MV82 exports sludges comparable to an agricultural enrichment compost and treated waters whose quality is comparable to those of Nègrepelisse’s WTP, corresponding to the same dumping norm.


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Plantations eucalyptus pour station MV82The MV82 plant (STP)- The plantation

The septage treatment plant MV82’s filtrates are absorbed during the summer (6 to 8 months per year) by a poplars and eucalyptuses plantation whose wood production feeds Nègrepelisse’s communal heating system. An innovative operation on the treatment and energy project.

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Carte madagascar avec capitaleLatrine septage sludges

CCTVA supports, in connection with the Water Agency Adour-Garonne, the creation of a system for the collection and treatment of latrine septage in Antananarivo, Madagascar in an aim of humanitarian assistance and technological transfer.

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roseaux intégrés dans le paysage

The Communauté de Communes des Terrasses et Vallée de l’Aveyron constructed and runs the plant.


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pompes obstruées par les lingettes
The Eco-citizen

Some recommendations for the Non-collective Sanitation users.


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