
Construction stages

Plant construction will be awarded to a specialised contractor selected through public tenders in compliance with the French “Government Procurement Agreement-GPA”.

Tenders will be submitted in summer 2011, construction initiated in autumn 2011.

The chief companies

Technical and scientific support to the project is provided by the following companies:

  • Fédération Cellulose Bois Ameublement (FCBA) for the tree plantation
  • Cemagref-Lyon for the septage treatment process
  • Cemagref-Aix for irrigation of the plantation
  • SATESE 82 for the overall process.

Technical and scientific management of the project is provided by:

logo FCBAFédération Cellulose Bois Ameublement (FCBA) is a public-private utility Technical and Industrial Center (capital : State 40% and industriy 60%; governance : industry 100%) specialised in consultancy services and research on production and industrial use of wood. The Limoges team, specialised in forest management, manages design, implementation and maintenance of the MV82 tree plantation.
Consult FCBA’s website


Logo CemagrefCemagref is a public utility, part of the French Ministry of Agriculture, in charge of scientific and technical development in the field of agricultural and environmental engineering. The UR MALY team, operating from Lyon, focuses on research and diffusion of innovative technologies in the field of aquatic systems, ecology and wastewater treatment. It manages research and development of the constructed wetland system in France and especially in Nègrepelisse.

The UMR GEAU team, operating from Aix-en-Provence, specialises in technical (equipment, soils…) and managerial (economic, social, political) aspects of water at watershed or regional scale. It manages the plantation irrigation of the MV82 project.
Consult CEMAGREF’s website


logo CG82 - satese 82SATESE 82 is part of the Tarn-et-Garonne General Council and responsible for technical support to local authorities in operating their wastewater treatment plant.
Consult SATESE 82’s website

roseaux intégrés dans le paysage

The Communauté de Communes des Terrasses et Vallée de l’Aveyron constructed and runs the plant.


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