The small town of Nègrepelisse


Blason de NègrepelisseNègrepelisse is major city of the Tarn-et-Garonne department and seat of the Communauté de Communes des Terrasses et Vallée de l’Aveyron -CCTVA, regrouping seven townships and responsible particularly for wastewater collection and treatment.

The town developed rapidly since the end of the twentieth century under the combined effects of economic development stimulated by the nearby cities of Montauban and Toulouse… and quality of life on the terraces of the Aveyron river. The resident population rose from 2049 inhabitants in 1968 to 4655 in 2007, an increase of 93 % in less than forty years. If this increase is maintained, the town’s population will number 6400 inhabitants in 2020 and more than 15000 in 2050, 50 % of which connected to the sewer system.


logo de la communauté de communes des terrasses et vallée de l'aveyronCCTVA is an important regrouping of seven townships in the Tarn-et-Garonne department; it represents 13663 inhabitants (in January 2009) and 209 km². It is responsible, instead of these townships, of the sanitation system, the drinking water, the cultural action…

Since it’s creation, CCTVA’s president is M. Jean Cambon, mayor of Nègrepelisse, department councilor, vice-president of the Department Council in charge of the environment, and the Water Agency’s administrator. M. Cambon’s action in the department aims the development of ecological techniques, respecting environment, and the innovation’s spreading.

CCTVA handles the even townships’ wastewaters treatment regarding the exploitation and the works. Historically, the Saint-Etienne-de-Tulmont’s treatment plant’s renovation, one of the first important operation leaded by CCTVA and achieved in 2007, allowed to test the treatment steps integrating the primary ponds between two constructed wetland levels, which will be applied in Nègrepelisse the next year.

The Communauté de Communes
des Terrasses et Vallée de l'Aveyron website

station écologique vue du ciel
Nègrepelisse’s water

The presentation of the terraces of the Aveyron river’s aquatic environment, around Nègrepelisse.


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station écologique vue du ciel
Nègrepelisse’s wastewaters

The sewage wastewaters are treated by a constructed wetland plant.


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